Pray For “Seeker” Crafters

This story about a man the team calls Samson is common. Often the story crafter our teams use is not a Christian when the project begins. “Samson” is helping take the Scripture the team feeds him and turn it into a story in his native language. Please pray for him. He is handling God’s Word and putting it into a format for distribution to an unreached people group. He’s had years of effort poured into him by missionary friends who introduced the OneStory team and seems ready to accept Christ. Samson is the head of his household, responsible for about 20 in his compound. Imagine if he were to call Jesus his Lord and Savior.

Short-Term Volunteers in Mali

A volunteer team from Georgia, USA was with us last week among the Senufo Syenara. Three men and two women came accompanied by a translator from the capital city of Bamako (a believer) and our regional overseer. We saw the Father work in amazing ways.
– Susan

Recording for the World’s Biggest Bibleless Group

“Isengardians” are the largest people group in the world without the Bible in their own language. Since “Isengard” has a very low literacy rate (less than 10% for village women) recorded scriptures, storytelling programs, and video projects are vital to present the Gospel. We recorded 21 stories, each recorded in both a male voice and a female voice.
– T&CW

Leaving K-Town

I have seen people beaten for their faith. I have gone through anti-American protests. I have been hugged tightly by Muslim women when my brother died.
– “Emma”

“Bilbo” Tests Garden of Eden Stories

Finally, one man said, “Can we hear the stories again?” Bilbo said okay and told the stories for a third time.

One of our teams had some story testing to do. They sent their main story crafter (I’ll call him Bilbo) out to a village in the western part of the country. My wife and I went along with him, on this occasion simply to watch. We visited a rural church which had gathered, in advance, a number of men for Bilbo’s story testing session. There were about 15 men present. It was a mixed crowd of half Muslim men, and half new believers that the church had led to faith in Christ and had incorporated into their regular congregation. We were told that no one present for the testing had been a Christian for longer than 6 months.

Prayers For Direction

“Most of those attending the group were not believers.”

On Friday, just minutes before traveling to visit a new village we received an e-mail from a very dear friend. She reminded us that “When Father closes the door, He opens a window.” Over the past few weeks our visits to a particular village have been restricted. These restrictions limit our team’s ability to conduct effective story groups. We had become discouraged because of the bond that we had developed with these people and our commitment to those who were excited about storying. We asked the Father to give us direction and uplift our spirits.