This story about a man the team calls Samson is common. Often the story crafter our teams use is not a Christian when the project begins. “Samson” is helping take the Scripture the team feeds him and turn it into a story in his native language. Please pray for him. He is handling God’s Word and putting it into a format for distribution to an unreached people group. He’s had years of effort poured into him by missionary friends who introduced the OneStory team and seems ready to accept Christ. Samson is the head of his household, responsible for about 20 in his compound. Imagine if he were to call Jesus his Lord and Savior.
Recently, we were sitting with Samson, and a group of guys hanging out. As we were sitting and talking people began to tell the traditional stories of their people group. A couple guys took turns telling funny stories about hyenas, sheep, rabbits and lions. It’s normal for stories to star the hyena, always known as a really stupid animal among the locals. I even took a shot at telling one of the traditional stories that someone in a different village told me.

After I told a story, people were asking for others to share stories that they knew. We asked Samson if he knew any stories that he could share. We didn’t know if Samson would be willing to share the Bible stories he had been learning or not. Next thing we know, Samson is telling a set of three stories that happen to be our most “controversial,” because they conflict so clearly with Muslim belief. Samson told the stories of “The Last Supper,” “The Crucifixion,” and “The Resurrection.” It was really amazing to watch.

It became evident that one man was not happy about the things Jesus was saying about Himself. We were concerned that this would discourage Samson from continuing. Instead, he took the opportunity to tell three more stories to try to reinforce what the first three said. The other men stepped in and agreed. They confirmed that what Samson had said came from the Bible and that the Bible is “clean.”


Categories: NewsQuest


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