“Isengardians” are the largest people group in the world without the Bible in their own language. Since “Isengard” has a very low literacy rate (less than 10% for village women) recorded scriptures, storytelling programs, and video projects are vital to present the Gospel. We recorded 21 stories, each recorded in both a male voice and a female voice.

–  T&CW

The recording process has been a pitched spiritual battle in itself. Trying to keep shouts, honking horns, cawing crows, even screaming chicken salesmen and children with harmonicas out of the recordings has been a real trial. We frequently hear beggars outside our apartment as they make their mournful way down the lane, crying out the name of Allah and hoping for handouts.

They generally pass quickly and we seldom hear more than one at a time. But the moment we started recording the story of Christ’s crucifixion, no less than four beggars stood just below our window and cried out with all their strength: “AALLAAH! ALLLLAAAAAAAAH!!!!”

Over and over they screamed the name of Allah through our entire recording. Then when we turned off the recorder they mysteriously left!

That was just the beginning of the many “strange” occurrences that set us back in our recording schedule. But the effect was a blessing. Our storytellers were interrupted so often that they learned the stories extremely well. Our final product turned out excellent.

Categories: NewsQuest


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