OneStory Mission, Vision and Values
…so that all unreached and Bibleless people groups will hear and respond to the gospel, resulting in healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches.
…so that all unreached and Bibleless people groups will hear and respond to the gospel, resulting in healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches.
Our goal is to be a catalyst to initiate reproducing churches in all 5,500 unreached people groups by the year 2020.
OneStory exists to develop or facilitate effective oral communication strategies to convey God’s Word to people who are unreached or Bibleless.
Throughout the ages, the most enduring form of communication has been the telling of stories.
A word was planted in the earth, and a story grew.
A few years ago “Melissa”, currently a member of Wycliffe, helped adapt a Twenty-one-story evangelism story cloth to fit the needs of from those available at
July 2006 – After more than a year of planning and preparation, the OneStory Partnership is pleased to launch the first phase of the main website.