July 2006 – After more than a year of planning and preparation, the OneStory Partnership is pleased to launch the first phase of the main website.

Thanks for coming by. We invite you to take your shoes off, make yourself at home and start exploring. Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), The International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (IMB), Trans World Radio (TWR), Wycliffe and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) are the five global partners involved but other agencies have regional involvement in OneStory, for example: Pioneers, Frontiers and Teen Mania. Please pray for us as we enhance our working relationships even further. It’s nothing less than a miracle that we’ve gotten this far.

This site will expand and evolve as we add more customized information, funding and prayer opportunities, research, and ways to get involved in reaching every Unreached People Group (UPG) with the life transforming Word of God. Today it is estimated that over 5,000 UPGs exist who need both access to Scripture and a church planting movement started.

OneStory.org is the result of the hard work of a lot of people including the CCC-Orlando Tech Team and Devotion Media. Several affiliated sites have or will be launched this year including StoryRunners.com, Wycliffe.org/onestory, and YWAMOneStory.org (each of which focuses on a specific partner within OneStory.)

Categories: NewsWebsite


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