…so that all unreached and Bibleless people groups will hear and respond to the gospel, resulting in healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches.


OneStory exists to develop, initiate and facilitate oral strategies to communicate God’s Word to oral peoples who are unreached or languages that are Bibleless, resulting in sustainable, indigenously led, reproducing church planting movements which transform lives and societies to reflect a biblical worldview.


By 2020, OneStory seeks to spark a global revolution in the availability of God’s Word to oral cultures, so that all unreached and Bibleless people groups will hear and respond to the gospel, resulting in healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches.


The core values of OneStory reflect the partnership in general. Each of the individual agencies maintain their distinctive values, vision and mission both outside the framework of the partnership, and in their contribution to the partnership. Together they have embraced these core values:

  • Proclaiming the gospel to ALL peoples
  • Providing God’s Word for every people and language
  • Penetrating oral communities through chronological Bible storying
  • Partnering with church and mission
  • Producing church planting movements
All Peoples

A core value that pervades all other values is that of reaching ALL peoples. This means that the proclamation of God’s Word will not be limited by the level of literacy of a people group, their geographic or sociopolitical context, the size of the group, or any other parameter. OneStory values EVERY unreached people group and desires to see a church planting movement addressing all segments of the society, including oral communicators, among EACH AND EVERY group.

God’s Word

Providing God’s Word to unreached people groups and Bibleless language groups is at the core of OneStory. The availability and application of scripture in the heart languages of people groups unreached with the gospel is the foundation for a viable, sustainable and reproducing indigenously led churches. We desire for the gospel message found in God’s Word to flow freely at the heart level of every individual, with everyone having the opportunity to receive it, understand it, respond to it and reproduce it within their own society.


OneStory honors the communication style, preference and tradition of each distinct people group. God’s Word is full of the stories God chose to reveal to us about His character, His plan of redemption, and His loving relationship with man. The Bible preserves these stories in a written record, but much of their original communication was oral, and the primary means of communicating them over the millennia was oral. A first generation of mother-tongue storyers telling a carefully crafted and carefully selected set of Bible stories and equipping others to tell them accurately provides for effective, deeply understood evangelism, that results in indigenously led, reproducing churches.


Solid relationships are at the core of OneStory, and involve a willingness to forgive grow and persevere. The partners in OneStory are committed to trust, understand, support, serve and pray for each other. The partnership exists to utilize the strength and expertise of each partner organization in order to maximize its effectiveness in bearing lasting fruit. It exists to enable the church worldwide to reach the unreached and Bibleless, and plant reproducing churches where none yet exist. OneStory shares funding, personnel, other resources and responsibilities among its partners on OneStory projects. An effective multi-organizational cross-cultural partnership model will bear a witness of God’s grace to the world and bring glory to God.

Church Planting Movements

OneStory envisions the effective communication of God’s Word resulting in evangelism and discipleship spreading broadly through every people group, deeply influencing lives. The result of this movement is the planting and growth of healthy churches that respond to the unique, God-given culture of each people group while at the same time staying firmly grounded in God’s Word. As part of this movement, spiritual leaders are developed and equipped to pastor and spiritually nourish believers. This encourages the mutual building up of the body of Christ as individuals exercise their spiritual gifts, and to reproduce themselves by training more spiritual leaders. Church planting becomes a movement as the members of each local church plant new churches within their own people group and beyond.


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