Throughout the ages, the most enduring form of communication has been the telling of stories.

A word was planted in the earth, and a story grew.

The story grew from darkness and light, from temptations and blood and sin, from gardens and angels with flaming swords. The story grew from prophets, warriors, songwriters and servants, both in prisons and in palaces. It is a story both intensely personal, yet eternal as the stars—a story of floods and desert wanderings; of a gifted boy betrayed by his brothers; and a courageous girl who becomes a queen. It is a story of a prodigal son and a father with open arms; a story of a crucified King risen from the grave; and a doubting man whose hands touched the wounds and declared, “My Lord and my God.” It is a story that speaks in the hidden places of the heart to all nations and to people everywhere.

The task is immense, and the need is urgent. Today, fully 1.5 billion people are still desperately in need of God’s Word, and even with past successes, the gulf may still be widening. To effectively close this gap for those still in need and to accelerate the distribution of God’s story to those still unreached, a new perspective is required.

Throughout the ages, the most enduring form of communication has been the telling of stories. OneStory tells the transforming stories of the Bible and salvation through Christ to those who have never heard it, or have never heard it expressed in a manner relevant to their culture, or in the language they speak. OneStory utilizes narrative storytelling to reach people who may have never had access to a Bible, media resources, or even a written language of their own. This unprecedented partnership of evangelical organizations is dedicated to being the catalyst of a global movement to transform lives for Christ. And it all starts with a story.

The Word was planted, and His story continues to grow.


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