Chicago Area OneStory Workshops May 2017

Step into the Story

May 12-13, 2017

This event is for people interested in communicating God’s Word any and everywhere through Biblically accurate, naturally told stories.

These participatory sessions include:

  • Orally learning, telling, and discussing stories in a group setting.
  • Learning about orality
  • Using Biblical stories in sharing the Gospel.
  • Becoming familiar with other storying approaches
  • Learning about opportunities for further participation in OneStory.

Advanced Storying Workshop: Toulouse, France

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Advanced Storying Workshop                     Toulouse, France              November 7-16, 2016

This workshop is for anyone who has completed the Introduction to Orality and Storying and is ready to begin a OneStory Project crafting a redemptive panorama of oral Bible stories in a particular language. Participants will receive the hands-on training needed to begin crafting an exploratory set.

For more information, please email:

Global Orality Email