UPDATE 2: The registration deadline for the May 2016 Chicago storying workshops, Step into the Story and OneStory Introductory Workshop,  April 15th, has passed. The workshop prices have increased $25.

Step into the Story

May 16-17, 2016

This event is for people interested in communicating God’s Word any and everywhere through Biblically accurate, naturally told stories.

These participatory sessions include:

  • Orally learning, telling, and discussing stories in a group setting.
  • Learning about orality
  • Using Biblical stories in sharing the Gospel.
  • Becoming familiar with other storying approaches
  • Learning about opportunities for further participation in OneStory.

OneStory Introductory Workshop

May 16-20th, 2016

This workshop is designed for those seriously considering participation in a cross cultural OneStory project in another language.

These participatory sessions include:

  • Orally learning, telling, and discussing stories in a group setting.
  • Learning a set of stories crafted for a specific worldview.
  • Learning the OneStory process for crafting Biblical stories.
  • Becoming familiar with the OneStory training and consulting cycle.

Update: Cost for 2 day event, $50 $75; week is $125 $150. Room & Board dormitory style available with YWAM Chicago at $30/day. For further questions email the address below or, click 2-day or 5-day to register. 

Categories: NewsTraining


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