OneStory today celebrates the addition of a sixth current managing partner. In joining the OneStory partnership, the Christian and Missionary Alliance contributes a strong history as a church planting movement, focusing on the longevity of its career international workers who are committed to an incarnational ministry of bringing the Gospel message to lost people in their heart language and cultural forms.
The worldwide Alliance fellowship is comprised of nearly 5 million believers and is present in more than 80 countries with its US international workers laboring together with local church workers.
Dr. Gary Benedict (President of the U.S. C&MA) says, “I am delighted that The Christian and Missionary Alliance is a part of getting the good news about Jesus to oral learners in ways they can understand. When I think of the millions upon millions of oral learners in our world today, I see this as absolutely strategic for the advance of the kingdom. We embrace the OneStory method as a way God is at work in all of this and are excited many of our international workers and partners are being trained in it. May increasing honor come to Christ as more and more oral learners around the world become His disciples!”