Stories transform the teller as well as the listener.
Elizabeth & I spent about a month in T-land attending training for OneStory. Our days were spent receiving technical, language and storying training. My favorite part was the last two weeks which was storying training. We each learned three Bible stories and then told them all in chronological order during class.
After a story was told we would have a small devotional time discussing things such as “What do we learn about God from this story?” “What do we learn about people?” and “How can we apply this story to our lives?” Through this I identified and connected with the characters of the stories in a way that I never had before–I could feel Esther’s fear for her life as she approached the king, I felt the despair of the Israelites as they were taken into captivity by Babylon, the hope as God promised through Zachariah that one day someone would come and remove the sins of the people in one day and the joy as the Promised One finally arrived. It was incredible to see how these stories impacted the lives of the people at training. I look forward to the day when the people I live among will also hear and be changed by these stories.
– “Emma”