Pictured here is Jovan Ngabirano, a Batwa primary student from the Byumba settlement participating in OneStory, one of the Kellermann Foundation’s programs with the Batwa Development Program. OneStory trains Batwa leaders to share Bible stories orally and through acting. One striking example of their success is the participation of Jovan who not only chose to attend the training alongside adult Batwa, but also worked to learn the Bible story and retell it to people in his settlement! Great job Jovan! Twenty-five Bibles have been donated to the settlements to expand this ministry.

See the original story at the Kellermann Foundation website.

Our thanks to Paul Thomas of SIL who asked permission to republish the story here. Paul said, “the multi-mission network OneStory trained us and provided the infrastructure to make the Batwa project happen.”

Mrs. Diane Stanton, executive director of the Kellermann Foundation responded, “Yes… It’s a story worth telling!”

Kellermann Foundation logo

Thank you for your prayers and involvement in the OneStory Alliance as God uses all of us together to change lives in Uganda and many other parts of the world.

Categories: News


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