In 2007, in the Philippines, Wycliffe/SIL, YWAM, and the Bontoc Scripture Society shared a common passion to see the Word of God spread through three language groups in the Bontoc region of the Philippines.
OneStory created a plan to develop story sets in three languages. Various partners participated through training, providing workers, and technological skills. Within two years the story sets were completed, and many years later they are still being used throughout the Bontoc region to lead people to Christ and disciple believers.
Presently the OneStory Alliance includes seven main organizations who oversee global endeavors. These partners share expertise, planning, training, personnel, and funding at various levels in projects around the world.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
has spent more than 75 years helping people around the world translate the Bible into languages they can clearly understand. Wycliffe USA partners with many organizations worldwide to ensure that all people have the opportunity to experience God's Word and the life transformation it brings.
Wycliffe USA has seen firsthand how God is using the OneStory
Alliance to change lives through the Bible translation movement. We’re
honored to be part of this powerful ministry and look forward to the day
when all people have access to Scripture in a language and form they
can clearly understand. – Dr. John Chesnut, president/CEO, Wycliffe USA

brings expertise in training and discipleship, urgency for evangelism, and the mobilization of large numbers of adventurous workers from multiple cultures and nationalities worldwide. Our God is the God of the all; all peoples, all languages, all cultures.
The OneStory Bible storying alliance is a part of the answer to reaching the all, the 70% of the unreached that live in oral cultures. – Loren Cunningham, founder, Youth With A Mission.

is the most far-reaching Christian radio network in the world. They provide training and studios around the world, and a global system for archiving recordings.
God is using OneStory to accomplish a mighty work for His Kingdom, and TWR is privileged to be a part of it. – Lauren Libby, TWR president/CEO.

mobilizes teams to glorify God among the unreached people groups by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.
We believe our involvement will help the OneStory Alliance ensure the developed Bible stories are utilized in church planting and will equip our church planters with additional skills. – Steve Richardson US director, Pioneers.

The Christian & Missionary Alliance
contributes a strong history as a church planting movement….committed to an incarnational ministry of bringing the Gospel message to lost people in the heart language and cultural forms.
We embrace the OneStory method as a way God is at work in among oral learners and are excited many of our international workers and partners are being trained in it. – Dr. Gary Benedict, former President of the Christian Missionary Alliance of the USA.

is a faith-based nonprofit organization committed to serving language communities worldwide.
The OneStory alliance over the last 10 years has seen amazing fruit. We are anxious to see what the next 10 years brings! – Freddy Boswell, former executive director of SIL.

The Seed Company
a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate founded in 1993, works with hundreds of field partner organizations and churches to accelerate the pace of Bible translation among Bibleless people.
OneStory is serving the Body of Christ well by bringing usable Scripture to unreached people groups so that they have their very first encounter with the Living Word. – Samuel Chiang, president & CEO, The Seed Company