A Story Worth Telling...

Because everybody needs to know​

Together We Can Tell The Story

Get Story Set Audio

Want to hear story sets? We have them in over 80 languages at our media site: OneStory-Media.org

The majority of the world’s unreached people groups are made up of oral preference learners, who often have no written language of their own. In order to reach them, OneStory works with mother-tongue speakers to develop and record worldview-sensitive, chronological Bible “story sets” for each specific group — typically 25 to 50 stories in a three to four year period.

Mother-tongue speakers spread the stories to others. These story sets can be the first step toward a traditional written translation or non-print media like the JESUS film or The HOPE video.

Our goal is to be a catalyst in initiating such work in more than 5,500 UPGs (unreached people groups) who need access to the good news.

OneStory’s unique training process has been tested in multiple countries and languages. Mobilization efforts are underway in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America to train and equip workers to reach out in their own countries and across borders.

Multiplication Workshop at JAARS

See this flyer for details and registration contact information on an interactive oral church planting training June 15-20 in Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA. Ten stories from the Book of Acts will be learned and discussed by participants.

Tuition is $100 and onsite housing options are available.

Update Feb. 27: You can now register online.

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Breaking Ground in Tanzania

The following stories come from Carrie. She is serving among a Muslim Unreached People Group with only a handful of Christians and a single nascent church.

Mama G has been so excited about the stories from the beginning. She is really hard of hearing and doesn’t know a bit of Swahili, so a heart language story set has been an amazing tool to share God’s story.

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Story Set Use Helps Plant 100 House Churches

A OneStory worker in Asia told us this month about a utilization project he started three years ago (2011) with a story set in Northeast India.

I was working with several YWAM relationships around Varanasi and became aware of about 30 Bhojpuri church planters working in that region. I then learned of a finished but unused Bhojpuri story set. I asked about interest in oral strategies and immediately went there to begin story usage and church planting training. A year later I consulted and did a refresher training. By the end of 2014, these 30 Bhojpuri YWAMers on five church planting teams will have established 100 house churches and continue to train pastors and elders.

The above photo shows all five YWAM church planting teams meeting last month (November 2014) to praise God for all He has done and plan for the future.

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“Do the Math” – Boma Storying Success

The people who speak Boma [pseudonym] as their mother tongue live along the coastlines of several Southeast Asian islands. Although a few portions of Scripture are available in the Boma language, most Christian clergy rely only on the national language leaving the majority of Boma speakers struggling to understand God’s Word. That leaves the majority of Boma speakers struggling to understand God’s Word and why The Seed Company, Wycliffe personnel, Kartidaya and the largest local denominational church started working in partnership on an oral Bible project.

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