A OneStory worker in Asia told us this month about a utilization project he started three years ago (2011) with a story set in Northeast India.
I was working with several YWAM relationships around Varanasi and became aware of about 30 Bhojpuri church planters working in that region. I then learned of a finished but unused Bhojpuri story set. I asked about interest in oral strategies and immediately went there to begin story usage and church planting training. A year later I consulted and did a refresher training. By the end of 2014, these 30 Bhojpuri YWAMers on five church planting teams will have established 100 house churches and continue to train pastors and elders.
The above photo shows all five YWAM church planting teams meeting last month (November 2014) to praise God for all He has done and plan for the future.