Every home can become God’s House through stories.

The very first Quest teams sent out by OneStory are about to pack up and head home after serving for the past two years. Here’s what a few have said: “I am amazed at this task that God has given me, a task to give these mountain people their first chance to ever hear how Christ came to save. What is so exciting is that the form in which this message has been given is in the same way they communicate and learn, through stories and songs.” “Well, the end of my term is in sight. We still have a lot of work to do to get the remaining stories fully tested, checked and recorded. But at the end of our term we will leave this people group with an oral Bible panorama that will be very important for sharing the message, discipleship, and leadership training. We should have over 50 stories checked for accuracy and tested for comprehension and over a dozen songs.” “I have 6 months left of my term and thinking about my time with my people group. Right now there are approximately 4 million women and around 2 ½ million can not read at all, nor can they understand anything other than their dialect. These women are mothers, sisters and grandmothers. None of these women will ever hear about God’s love if it is not through Bible stories. They will never read a book and they will never see it on TV. The only way they will hear about Easter is if someone will tell them in their own language and in their way of understanding, stories. Right now we have 47 stories in their heart language. A week before I left I watched Roxcy and our six other new sister’s share 19 stories of the Old Testament with their families and friends. It was a great success. Next week, I will be going through the New Testament stories with them. As I was away thinking about all of this, it came to me that anyone regardless of education or age can be a preacher through stories. Every home can become God’s House through stories. We are seeing it! This is happening.”
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Categories: NewsQuest


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